Novena to saint Corcodome (english version)
Novena to ask God for strength in trials and combat through the intercession of Saint Corcodome of Auxerre The novena (from the Latin "novem") is a prayer to be said for nine consecutive days with a particular intention, depending on the saint prayed in this novena. It is a very popular Catholic tradition, encouraged by the church since the Middle Ages. The nine days correspond to the nine days between Ascension and Pentecost, a time which the Apostles and the Mother of God have spent in prayer waiting for the Holy Spirit. It is not obligatory to wait nine days before the feast of the saint to pray the novena, even if this can be done, but one can pray it at any time, when one feels the need. So, before praying, I advise you to take a moment of silence to go down into your heart before beginning the prayer. I composed this novena from the litany of Saint Corcodome that I wanted to compose. The saint having protected Saint Mamer...