The representation of the martyrdom of saint Corcodome of Auxerre (english version)

 The representation of the martyrdom of saint Corcodome of Auxerre

It is already difficult to depict a saint of whom we know nothing and whose image practically does not exist, except for two illuminations where one can guess that he is present with saint Pilgrim and saint Marse, but again there is no certainty. But it is even harder to know how to represent one’s martyr when you don’t know how he died! Under the guidance of an iconographer, I read other stories of martyrs from the region and the time, how the persecutors of the faith used to kill holy martyrs. Saint Corcodome died under Diocletian, in the year 300, and around this date there are other famous martyrs: saint Savinien, saint Colombe de Sens, saint Potentien or saint Pèlerin d'Auxerre, whose disciple was Corcodome. And all were martyred by beheading, even if some have suffered torture, their birth in Heaven is the same. So there is a good chance that historically, he was also killed by beheading. 

I have wanted to represent the saint on his knees, praying during his martyrdom, offering his life for love, hands raised up towards God, recalling the words of the psalmist: "Let my prayer be as incense before you, and my hands as an evening offering." (Psalm 140:2). Opening his palms, he waits for God to give him the grace of martyrdom, so that he too can receive in his hands purified by his life and faith the cup which Christ has drunk. Confident, looking at the one to whom he gives his life, he turns his back on evil, represented by the executioner. The executioner is depicted in profile, which, in iconography, represents the devil, demons are always represented in profile, as well as Judas on many of the Last Supper icons. The executioner puts his hand on the saint, while raising the other to cut off his head, certainly the right hand of the persecutor passes before him, but the right hand of God blesses him at the same time. Evil can surround us completely, nor do we turn to God; it has no power over us: "If I cross the ravines of death, I fear no evil, for you are with me: your stick guides and reassures me" (Psalm 22:4). Saint Corcodome is in liturgical habit, because by his martyrdom he communicates perfectly with Christ, suffering as he does an unjust condemnation accepted by obedience and love, preparing also to enter into the eternal liturgy of heaven. We also see that Saint Corcodome crushes a serpent, a reminder of the story of Saint Mamertin protected by a great serpent by Saint Corcodome, it also shows the power of intercession of Saint Corcodome against evil, something common to most martyrs.


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